Trimble AccessSync version 2017.00 Also Now Available!

The AccessSync service has been enhanced to support the Trimble Connect cloud-based collaboration platform. This means that you can choose to transfer files from your field controller to and from Trimble Connect, rather than the Trimble Connected Community. Users must sign up for a Trimble Connect account in order to take advantage of the new features.

This bulletin covers:
-AccessSync and Trimble Connect
o Features and benefits
o Getting started
-AccessSync and the Trimble Connected Community
o The differences between Trimble Connected Community and Trimble Connect
o Upgrading to Trimble Connect

AccessSync & Trimble Connect
What is AccessSync?
AccessSync is a 2-way file transfer service that can save time on the job by ensuring everyone on a project can access
the most up to date job data. This service is available on controllers with a valid software maintenance agreement.

What is Trimble Connect?
Trimble Connect is a cloud-based collaboration platform that provides online data storage and other data viewing
and modelling tools to enable project teams to share project information quickly and easily. Trimble Connect can be
used in a web browser, installed on a desktop or used as a mobile app. Trimble Connect Sync is an additional utility
which synchronizes files between your computer and Trimble Connect.

Features and Benefits
-Each user can create and manage their login to Trimble Connect.
-The Trimble Connect collaboration platform is modern and easy to use. Projects are simple to setup
and organize.
-Job and JXL files can be viewed directly on a map within Trimble Connect allowing collaborators to
monitor project progress.
-AccessSync allows data to be synchronized from a controller to and from the office, as well as
between multiple field users (via Trimble Connect). Teams can stay up to date with the latest data.
-Job files are automatically converted to the version required by the field controller.
-Field users can define how to manage duplicate files and conflicts.

Getting Started
To use AccessSync with Trimble Connect, you must
-Sign up for a Personal Connect account at, then create a project
and invite team members to your project.
-Update Trimble Access (with AccessSync) to version 2017.00 or later.
-When logging in on the controller, select Trimble Connect as the login mode in Trimble Access.

Notes: Creating a Personal level Trimble Connect account allows the user to create a project, 10GB of storage space
and invite up to 5 users to collaborate. The Business level Trimble Connect account allows you to create unlimited
projects and invite more than 5 users to your project. You can submit a request to upgrade each account to Business
level at and click “Upgrade Account”.
In order to install and use AccessSync you must hold a current software maintenance agreement for Trimble Access.

Existing Users: AccessSync and the Trimble Connected Community
From 1 April 2017, AccessSync users will not be able to create new organizations within Trimble Connected
Community; however customers who have setup an organization prior to this date can continue to use it. For
example, they can continue to add users and sites and use the AccessSync service. Field users wishing to log in to the
Trimble Connected Community system must select TCC as the login mode in Trimble Access.
New customers wishing to use the AccessSync service must sign up for Trimble Connect accounts.

Upgrading from Trimble Connected Community to Trimble Connect
For customers currently using the Trimble Connected Community with AccessSync who are considering moving to
Trimble Connect, it is useful to understand the key differences between the two platforms. These are:
-Trimble Connect does not have the concept of an organization; instead, data is organized in projects.
-You can share folders or projects with anyone who has a Trimble Connect account, or invite new users.
-Trimble Connect uses a simpler folder structure; you don’t need to create To the Field or System Files folders
in your project before transferring data to the controller.
-You can more easily share files amongst multiple field crews simply by synchronizing your data with the
Trimble Connect project. Other field users won’t need to wait for someone in the office to move those files
before they can download them to their controller.

Trimble can assist with the migration of user accounts and data from a Trimble Connected Community organization to Trimble Connect. For more information about this process and to submit a request, go to and click Switch to Connect.

 For more information contact your NEI Sales Associate.

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